Monday, November 21, 2011


We are moving to a new location! This blog can now be found at the following link:

I have been wanting to spruce this thing up for awhile now, and I think this change will do the trick.
It will also motivate me to post more, which I've failed at the past few weeks.

Please continue to join me on this journey!
Click here to visit the new blog.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Discipline of the Day

One of the most basic thought processes you have is "what am I going to do today?" Being disciplined enough to accomplish your daily tasks can be difficult. A good way to combat this problem is by using a "task list," also known as the to-do list.

I'm notorious for creating to-do lists. My hubby jokingly asks me if I wrote down "breathe" and "eat" on the lists! But, I'm almost addicted to them now. In fact, I often "overbook" my day just so I can have lots of checkmarks. Maybe I should see a therapist about this...that doesn't seem healthy now that I wrote it out.

Here are three main ideas I came up with about to-do lists:

1. Make clear and concise bullet points. This way you know exactly what it is you need to do.
2. Make one big point and add additional "sub" points underneath. This ties your day into manageable areas of workability.
3. Carry it around with you. This may seem obvious, but if you continue to see your task list then you are more likely to do the items on that list. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Disciplined Approach

Several of the blogs that I read on a daily basis seem to have had one theme in common the past couple of days: discipline. This is totally a God inspired thing because that is an area where I have been struggling mightily. After reading those posts, I decided to be more intentional about being disciplined.

Michael Hyatt (click here to read his post on discipline) gives the example of using discipline to lose weight. One step that Hyatt lists as an essential element to developing discipline is "Identifying Obstacles." He lists multiple scenarios where something can come up that throws you off course. Not being prepared with healthy snacks. Ordering a meal in a restaurant. Not having time to exercise.

When you identify your obstacles, you can then turn them around into situations that benefit you. You can plan ahead and be prepared to combat those obstacles. Which is smart.

All this week, I will be focusing on developing a disciplined approach. I'm looking forward to being more disciplined. As Jon Acuff says in his book "Quitter," discipline begets discipline. So when we're disciplined in one area of our life (say our diet), then we become more disciplined in others (work, writing, marriage, exercising, etc.).

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not Pessimism...

I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm just not feeling it today. For some reason, on the days when I stay at home and do nothing (not by choice...just didn't called to work), I really start to question and think about things. This week has been reminiscent of the summer weeks. I've gotten my hopes up with random job postings and possibilities, yet nothing has come to fruition. AGAIN. And, today it was really weighing on me.

I've tried to do my best throughout this unemployment period to take advantage of the time I have to work out and exercise. So, I was on the elliptical for awhile, watching a sermon by Pete Wilson at CrossPoint Church in Nashville. I've mentioned before about how much I adore this church, and await the opportunity to visit. Anyway...Pete had a question in the sermon that rocked me to the core (or maybe that was the exercising):
When has pessimism or cynicism ever gotten you anywhere?

So I thought about's certainly not getting me anywhere right now that's for sure. All day I've been all "I'm never going to get a teaching job" and stuff. Have I been productive? Heck no. The only thing I've done is worked out. I'm convinced pessimism is like a spreads and infiltrates all areas of your thought processes. It's not productive.

Today, choose to not think pessimistically. Be positive...because this can spread, too.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Will I Ever??

The question bounces around in between your ears. Will I ever...

-grow up

-get married

-get a teaching job

-have kids

-be good enough

If we let it, this question can dictate our lives. It can manipulate and control us in ways we never thought were possible.

Today, grab that question by the throat and scream "I WANT SOME PEACE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" Take a deep breath and rest in the peace that passes all understanding. God has a plan. He's in control. And He will rule over the "will I ever" questions in your life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?

Have you ever uttered the following words: If I can ever find the time, I will work on _________"??

If you are anything like me, then I am sure you have. Just this past August, I decided I wanted to paint some. I bought a couple of canvas boards, some paint, and borrowed some brushes from my brother. I have done a total of 1 painting. That's right, 1. I'm sure you have a story like this, too. Maybe it's got to do with pursuing a dream of yours. Maybe it's about losing weight (oh yeah, I've got this one also). Maybe it's about spending time with your kids.

Stop putting it off until you have time. Because if we're honest, then we'll never really have enough time. On days that we're off, we want to rest or catch up on our chores and housework so we don't have to do it during the week. Tomorrow starts a new month. November. Second to last month of the year. Don't wait until New Years to make a change. Do it now. Find the time.

What are you waiting for?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

I Lost It

I had an amazing idea for today's post...last night. Did I write it down? Of course not. So guess what? I forgot it. And I'm mad that I did because, like I said, it was awesome. So who knows what's going to happen here.

"...cynics desecrate beauty." -Proverbs 24:9

I read this verse this morning. Honestly, it was finding the word "desecrate" in the Bible that stopped me in my tracks. But then I went back and reread it to put it into context. It's actually a powerful verse.

If there's one thing I cannot stand, it's a cynic. You'll never get there. That plan will never work out. This idea will never take hold. Never, never, never.

Get over yourself Mr. Cynic. Who are you to tell me that I can't create or maintain beauty? Stop desecrating beauty.

Challenge: Today, ignore the cynic. Allow yourself to see/create/maintain/develop beauty.