Monday, March 7, 2011

What is my plan b

So, whenever you have something (whether it be an event, an idea, or whatever) planned, the next logical question that someone might ask is: What is your plan b? 

It's like you should expect failure and have a back up plan. Why not make a great plan and not have to worry about a back up plan...

Because life doesn't work that way. It would be great if it did. But, no. It doesn't. One thing that teaching has taught me is to always be prepared. Sometimes I take this to the extreme with my OCD-like qualities of organization. But, there are some things that you cannot prepare for. And this my friends is where plan b comes in. Luckily with God, He is our plan a, b, c...z...and everything in between. This means I do not have to worry...but human nature means that I struggle with that, too. I don't know a lot about having a plan b...seeing as how I'm still trying to figure out plan a. However, one of my favorite pastors (pete wilson) has a book out that I can't wait to read about this topic.

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