Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not Pessimism...

I'm going to be completely honest with you. I'm just not feeling it today. For some reason, on the days when I stay at home and do nothing (not by choice...just didn't called to work), I really start to question and think about things. This week has been reminiscent of the summer weeks. I've gotten my hopes up with random job postings and possibilities, yet nothing has come to fruition. AGAIN. And, today it was really weighing on me.

I've tried to do my best throughout this unemployment period to take advantage of the time I have to work out and exercise. So, I was on the elliptical for awhile, watching a sermon by Pete Wilson at CrossPoint Church in Nashville. I've mentioned before about how much I adore this church, and await the opportunity to visit. Anyway...Pete had a question in the sermon that rocked me to the core (or maybe that was the exercising):
When has pessimism or cynicism ever gotten you anywhere?

So I thought about's certainly not getting me anywhere right now that's for sure. All day I've been all "I'm never going to get a teaching job" and stuff. Have I been productive? Heck no. The only thing I've done is worked out. I'm convinced pessimism is like a spreads and infiltrates all areas of your thought processes. It's not productive.

Today, choose to not think pessimistically. Be positive...because this can spread, too.

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