Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Have you seen a commercial recently for 5 Hour Energy/Red Bull/or any of the various energy drinks that are on the market? They seem to be on just about every commerical break. These items are extremely popular in our culture today. Why?

Because they provide us with the focus we need to finish the job.

Seriously? We can't even make it through the day without needing caffeine to help us focus??

Don't worry...I'm not trying to condemn anyone here...I can't do it either, but I have been thinking about why.

There's this movie called Limitless that banks on the principal that we can't access all areas of our brain and we lose focus too easily. In the movie, the guy discovers a pill that allows his brain to be fully functional for 24 hours. While under the influence of the pill, he learns to play the piano, writes a new book, and does various other tasks that would take the average person several weeks to accomplish.

How. Cool. Would. That. Be.

It's a sad comment on our society that we think it's better to get something done quick, rather than take the time that is needed to finish it. We want to take the easy fix pill (see above paragraph) and be an instant genius. But, I think it's better if we slow down, focus in on our project, and work hard to get it done.

Who's with me?

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