Wednesday, September 21, 2011

One Little Action

The other day I encountered a scenario that brightened my day tenfold. (And no, it wasn't when the Braves or Tennessee won...although that helps.) This instance occurred when I picked up my mail. I was flipping through it and I noticed a bright pink greeting card.

I paused for a second, rolling through the list of who would be sending me a card in September. It's not my birthday, anniversary, or Christmas. So, I drew a blank.

I decided to open it (well, duh), and I immediately noticed it was a Thank You card...because it had "thank you" written on the front. My mind went a hundred miles an hour trying to determine who would send me a thank you note for something I had done. I turned to the inside and discovered it was from my doctor's office. (No, it wasn't for an expensive visit or anything like that) It was to thank me for referring my sister in law to her practice.

Boom. My day was made. Why?

Because the doctor took time out of her ridiculously busy day to send a thank you note to me, a patient who sees her once a year. It was a simple gesture that had a tremendous impact on my day.

What simple gesture can you do to improve someone's day?

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