Monday, October 31, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?

Have you ever uttered the following words: If I can ever find the time, I will work on _________"??

If you are anything like me, then I am sure you have. Just this past August, I decided I wanted to paint some. I bought a couple of canvas boards, some paint, and borrowed some brushes from my brother. I have done a total of 1 painting. That's right, 1. I'm sure you have a story like this, too. Maybe it's got to do with pursuing a dream of yours. Maybe it's about losing weight (oh yeah, I've got this one also). Maybe it's about spending time with your kids.

Stop putting it off until you have time. Because if we're honest, then we'll never really have enough time. On days that we're off, we want to rest or catch up on our chores and housework so we don't have to do it during the week. Tomorrow starts a new month. November. Second to last month of the year. Don't wait until New Years to make a change. Do it now. Find the time.

What are you waiting for?

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