Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Art of Rest

One thing that is strange about summer for a student or a teacher is the Fourth of July holiday. You've already been out of school for about a month, so you have this whole routine of "goofing off" down to a tee. Then all of a sudden, there's this holiday for the other people (those who don't get out for summer...crazy people) where they get a day off. For some, this may be a welcome change. To have someone to share the day with. For others, this may be the worst thing ever. Someone is going to impose on your already planned schedule. They might not want to watch those TV shows that you usually indulge in every day. They might not want to head out of the house for an errand, be it fun or a chore. They might...GASP...just want to rest.

Resting has always been a foreign concept to me. I'm not talking about the kind of rest that occurs when you sleep (although this is often foreign to me as well). I'm talking about the nothingness, the peacefulness, the restfulness that comes with rest. I love routines, schedules, itineraries, etc. I love them. I thrive on them. So when a holiday or a summer break comes around, my life is turned upside down for awhile until I find my new routine. To just throw a random holiday in my new routine can often prove to be lethal to anyone around me. Because I'm out of my element.

Usually having somewhere to go can help calm me down, but yesterday I had no such plans. We had done all of our celebrating the day before. I woke up yesterday not knowing how my schedule-loving self would react to the day off with my husband there to share it with me. I did make a trip to the grocery store, but other than that I didn't have anything scheduled. I'm proud to say that I came through like a champ. We ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. We never do that. Except on Sundays. It was awesome. We both took naps, although I didn't need one since I had slept in. We just laid on the couch watching The History Channel and "The Waltons." It was an unbelievably restful day. One that I haven't had in awhile. I am thankful that I finally got a handle on the art of rest.

(Jodi...I ran the 5K in 46:57...not my best, but ok considering the heat!)

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