Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I'm Not Gonna Fight You Anymore

Welcome back to the Recreational Word-Slinger...after a brief hiatus (due to travel and rest required after travel), I've got another post for you.

You know that team-building exercise where someone crosses their arms, closes their arms, and falls backwards into their teammates arms. Who always catches them. Right? Unless you are the Hulk and you are falling into TinkerBell, you will probably be caught. I've never not been caught (calm down grammar police...I know that's a double negative, but it gets the point across). The whole point of this exercise is to get you to trust your partner. Trust...

Learning to trust someone might be the most intimate portion of a relationship. You have to trust them to not make fun of you. You have to trust them to support your dreams and ideas. You have to trust them to let them drive you around and eat with them (this excludes a whole bunch of people). Romantically speaking, you have to trust them to not break your heart. This is so hard for so many people. Why? Because somebody mistreated them and broke their trust before. So they are timid to give away their trust so easily. I've been me. ;)

As hard as it is to trust someone here on Earth, how much harder is it for you to trust someone that you can't see or talk to physically? Even though this person loves us and orchestrates our lives for good, I fight and fight because I don't trust Him enough. There's a song that I love by a great songwriter, Brandon Heath...

"I'm not gonna fight you anymore
I'm not gonna try and lock the door
You took Your life and gave me Yours
There's no good reason why
I shouldn't trust you with mine"
Pretty powerful lyrics. Don't try to lock Him out. Don't shut Him out of your life. Trust him. There's no good reason not to.

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