Thursday, July 28, 2011

Never Going Back to OK

Have you ever been at a place in your life where everything is going good? When all things are going the way you plan them? I'm sure you have. The mountaintop. The high. The "I'm going to make it" feeling. These times help you to feel comfortable with your life. You feel calm. At ease.

But, I've noticed something. I hardly ever grow...whether it be spiritually, mentally, or emotionally...during these periods in my life.

I grow when I start to lean on God because I have no other choice. I grow when I don't make decisions based on my own desires. I grow when I've got no other option but to choose to follow the light out of the darkness.

In the "all is well" periods of my life, I become complacent. Nonchalant. Lukewarm. Which, according to the Bible, is not good.

“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
-Revelation 3:15-16
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be "spit out" of anyone's mouth, much less God's. To Him, there is nothing worse than (wait for it) not caring. At the very least, be cold. Care enough to not care...if that makes sense. But better yet, be hot. Be on fire. Don't settle for being cold or lukewarm.

When you're not on the mountaintop (which is 9 times out of 10 if we're honest), choose to care. Choose to fight you're way out with God's help. Once you catch that fire, you'll realize that you never want to go back to being ok.


  1. awesome post! reminds me of John Waller's song Man of the Valley

  2. Sure does...could've used that line as a title, too!
