Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lessons from a Legend, Part 2

This is the second part in the series, "Lessons from a Legend." Tomorrow, the final post of the series will be available.

Today's post is called "How to Be Classy." (Insert obvious Ron Burgundy joke here) If you tuned in yesterday, then you know that I am writing a series based on stuff I have learned from one of my heroes, Coach Pat Summitt. Yesterday, I focused on "How to Be Great" by setting high standards and setting achievable goals.

Not only is Coach Summitt a great coach, but she is a very classy lady. Just watch any post game interview (win or loss) and it becomes obvious that possess a great deal of class. There are many things that I could discuss in relation to this topic, but I want to focus on 2 specific areas in which I think Coach Summitt excels:

1. She invests in others. Before each new season, Summitt gives her players a personality test. This helps her to better know how to coach them and how they will respond to her coaching. For instance, if a player is an extreme introvert, it's not going to do the team any good if Summitt screams at her. That's not to say she won't reprimand them for a foolish turnover, but she will adjust the way she does so. Another way that she invests in others is in the fact that she cooks for her players and friends and other coaches at her house. She invests the time (not to mention how much money that has to cost...wait, that's not an issue for her!) it takes to cook all that stuff, but she knows that the benefits outweigh the work.

2. She is an excellent communicator. This goes back to the post game interviews...she makes her point in an efficient and effective manner. She is not "short" with the reporters who ask her why she made a certain play call. She explains her thought processes and keeps emotion out of the equation. This is a big deal...coaches are awful at not controlling their emotion in a post-loss interview (Saban, anyone??? Or what about that Oklahoma State coach, you know the "I'm a man" guy???). Communication is such a big deal in our society today. And I believe good communication is when all involved parties are clear about what was said. When you take emotion away, it is easy to keep a clear mind about what you need to communicate.

When I think about what I've learned from Coach Summitt, investing in others and being a good communicator are certainly areas where I need improvement. I've always felt like one of the best ways to invest in others is sharing a meal or cup of coffee with them. This is certainly one of the most fun ways to invest in others, but there are various other ways to do so. Phone calls, e-mails, prayers. Take technology away and pour into someone else's life. And the only way I know to become a better communicator is to practice. Not just talking, but listening as well.

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