Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What to do when the lightbulb goes off

I'm not very good at saying explicitly how I feel. I just don't go around saying "Me hungry" or "Me mad." It sounds primitive to me...although that could have more to do with the lack of pronoun usage, but you get my point. For as long as I am alive, I will probably never look directly at someone and say, "I am really mad at you right now." I just can't do makes my skin crawl even thinking about it.

With that said, cohabiting with other human beings requires at least a small degree of communication. I'm sure even my brother and his roommate grunt at each other from time (don't know where all these tarzan references are coming from...Freudian slips??). This is one of the biggest adjustments I have had since getting married. Growing up and being around the fam for so long, I developed my own way of communicating with them how I felt (thankfully, it evolved as I matured...I no longer throw pillows). And so, when I married my hubby I didn't realize that I might have to tweak this "coping" style, if you will, to his nature. For example, whenever I share something with my mom, she always asks additional questions about the subject matter. But, when I share same item with hubby, I usually get maybe two words. Different. Not bad. Different.

So I've had to monitor my thinking and sharing to his nature or demeanor. And sometimes I forget. Oh boy do I forget. This morning we had a conversation about something that I had meant to tell him, but I forgot to. And he was like "I can't read your mind." LIGHTBULB!

From now on, I'm going to try and do better about explicitly saying things. And not in a way that is mean or sarcastic either. It's going to be honest and real.

What's something that has made you say "LIGHTBULB" to recently?

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