Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why You Should Never Give Up

This morning, I was reading in my Bible...I was in the book of John in chapter 5. It's the story of the sick man by the pool. Even in Bible times, pools were awesome...this one was particularly cool because it was a healing pool. This sick man waited all day every day for someone to stir the pool because right after that you get in and be healed. What a great pool!

(this is not the actual pool...do not be fooled by the awesomeness that is this pool)

Something important that can be grasped from this story is the idea of never giving up. There are 3 critical components to this story that make it worth taking a closer look:

1. The man desired change. He wanted to be healed. He wanted to get to the pool. He wasn't happy with his situation, and he wanted to try and fix it.

2. The man had tried many times, but someone else beat him to it. Someone was always quicker. His previous failures were interfering with his ability to achieve the present goal.

3. The man believed when told he was healed. Can you imagine what must be going through his head when Jesus told him to get up? "Yeah right, get up and walk. Like I haven't heard that one before." It's like when you are waiting on someone to unlock the door to a store, and this smart alleck comes up behind you and tries to open the door. Hello!! Obviously it's locked or you would've gone inside. Jerk. But the sick man decides to try it anyway with a sliver of hope running through his mind. And it worked. He picked up his mat and walked away. The door to the store was not locked after all. You could go in and not stand out in the cold.

There are many things in this life that we will find difficult. It may be finding a job, trying to have a baby, or stepping out into the world on your own. You will want to give up. You will want to turn around with your tail between your legs and run home.


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