Friday, August 26, 2011

Lessons from a Legend, Part 3

This is the conclusion to the three part series, "Lessons from a Legend." Scroll down to read the other posts. Enjoy!

The third part to this series is called, "How to Deliver Bad News." If you've been following this series, you'll know that my inspiration came from Pat Summitt and her recent dementia diagnosis. I have been examining and reflecting on the things I have learned from Coach Summitt, even though I don't know her or have never played for her. But I have observed Summitt over the years and did a mental scroll back through what I have picked up on.

Today's delivering bad news post is quite obviously inspired by her recent announcement, whereas the previous posts were drawn from a lifetime of inspiration. Even though I hope to never have to deliver bad news to anyone, I'm sure it will happen eventually. Whether it be...

firing someone

telling someone that a loved one died

announcing an illness

One thing I learned from watching Summitt's announcement (click here to watch) is to be honest. Summitt gave information that was open and honest. She didn't sugarcoat her diagnosis. She gave the details that she knew and didn't try to hide anything. This is hard to remember sometimes when faced with the daunting task of delivering bad news. You might say, "We really wanted to keep you on with the company, but we just can't afford it" when you really should say, "I'm sorry, but your performance with this company is not up to our standards. We have given you opportunities to improve it, but it's just not up to par. Sorry, but we have to let you go."

Harsh. Mean. Truth.

Sometimes the truth hurts, but it may be what we really need to hear.

Are you speaking the truth, even when it hurts?

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